Saturday, January 31, 2009

About my Father's business

Since we have gotten back from the United States my girls have been asking when are we going back. The other day in the car Taylor was talking and talking like she always does. She began to ask me about when we were going to see Grandma again. I said well, it will be a while. She said oh yes mommy we have to stay here in our house and work for Jesus! To me that is just amazing that a 3 year old could grasp that. I had told our girls before that we were here to serve Jesus and work for Him, but never did I think that they would understand that fully. I do miss our families and the United States, but I am thankful that we are here to serve our Lord and Saviour. 


Anonymous said...

I am constantly surprised by how much kids actually do 'get'.

Beth White said...

seriously they surprise me so much! hey thank you for always reading my blog i think you are the only one that reads it haha!