Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Big Bad Bolf!

Taylor said the cutest thing the other day. She went outside to help me water and lately she has kept telling me that there is a wolf outside, or as she calls it the big bad bolf. Well, she started talking about this wolf while we were out watering. Our neighbors are doing construction on their house so there is lots of noise going on all the time. All of the sudden, one of the construction workers started snorting and it did sound like some kind of animal, Taylor screams mommy there's the big bad bolf. haha!!! I guess she was right it did sound like wolf. I just love kids imagination. 

Friday, December 5, 2008

The New Santa Clause!

I bought some stuff that looks like snow to put on my mantel. Yesterday Taylor came out into the Kitchen like this and said HO HO HO I'm Santa Clause mommy! I'm so excited I have santa clause living with me. 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

What's a Mother to do?

We had a terrible scare yesterday. I took grace and taylor to a birthday party right when we were getting ready to leave I heard Taylor scream, when I turned around all I saw was her running towards me with blood running down her face. I'm still not for sure what happened except that she got hurt on a swing. I had to take her to the emergency room and she needed stitches, but because the cut was right underneath her eye they didn't want to put stitches so they cleaned it well and then put about 5 butterfly Band-Aids on there. The worst part was that she had a huge knot on her head also. I have never seen a knot that big, and when we got home she started throwing up. I thought that we would have to go back to the hospital, but i really started praying. I had her laying on me and she was so out of it and wouldn't talk or anything, all of the sudden the baby started kicking and she could feel him. She immediately set up and started saying mommy I can feel the baby. She totally came too and started talking and wanting to play. 
Here are some pictures of how she looked yesterday and today. I'm praise the Lord that He protected her.